I am very happy that my employer Knowit always likes to play an active role in society. Now with the book I am writing, Knowit has issued a challenge for all IT-companies to participate in donating my software testing book for children to schools in Finland and around the world. The challenge has been published adjacent to my interview in the largest IT-magazine in Finland, Tivi, here . Knowit sees that now with such a book, it is time for the challenge. Finally, there is a book, with which school teachers can educate children about software testing. IT has an increasing lack of software developers and testers. Next generations need to start learning early. Knowit will donate a minimum of 30 books and wishes other companies to give the same or greater donation at ( https://igg.me/at/dragons-out-book ). Books in Finland will be given to the Minister of Education, who will distribute them to Finnish schools. For other countries, we look for volunteers t...
Showing posts from September, 2019
Interview in Tivi magazine
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I'm interviewed for my book and crowdfunding campaign in the biggest Finnish IT-magazine Tivi. I'm humbled by this great interest, and very happy! Why don't you support the book, too at https://igg.me/at/dragons-out-book The article is in Finnish and can be found in the link below https://www.tivi.fi/uutiset/lapset-koodaavat-miksi-eivat-myos-testaisi-koodia-bugit-ovat-lohikaarmeita-joukkorahoitusta-keraavassa-kirjassa/81751ba9-67e1-4494-837e-d68ccb74f0a8 And the whole text is copied to here: Testauksen perusteita lapsille opettava satukirja kerää parhaillaan joukkorahoitusta. Kari Kakkonen aikoo kääntää saman tien kirjansa englanniksikin. Koodausta opettavat lastenkirjat ja työpajat ovat kasvaneet suosituiksi viidessä vuodessa. Kari Kakkonen kertoo pitävänsä näitä tärkeinä tapoina kasvattaa nuoria nyky-yhteiskunnan odotuksia varten. Mutta koodaus on vasta puolet ohjelmisto-osaajan taitosettiä. Siksi Kakkonen rupesi miettimään, miksi testausta ei esitellä ...
Presentation at conference and great feedback
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I was very happy to give a presentation at #TAHelsinki conference concerning my future book about software testing for kids of 10-99 : ) with dragons and knights theme. Lots of great feedback. Many people indeed want to give children some Testing knowledge, and not only Coding knowledge : ). I presented the main characters and explain how testing knowledge is explained in interesting terms. All the attendees also got to draw their own dragon - a most outstanding and interesting software defect they have encountered. It was lots of fun! And some great ideas for the book : ). The book is almost ready in Finnish, but crowdfunding is needed for illustration and making it hardcover, and also I need to translate it to English on the same go. Share this campaign and back it yourself at Indiegogo portal https://igg.me/at/dragons-out-book #softwaretesting #children #book #dragons View my presentation in English and in Finnish .
The book is now in crowdfunding at Indiegogo
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A big milestone. The crowdfunding campaign is now live and I got the first backer in just 5 minutes! Wow. This is going to be great. I've been sharing my views in Finnish software testing community like this: Learning software testing should start as a kid, like learning to code, would you agree? To enable this, I’m going to publish a book! Help me create this book about dragons, knights and software testing, for children and adults. Help bring more testing into the world. Share this and pre-order the book @indiegogo https://igg.me/at/dragons-out-book I sincerely hope we can get plenty of kids around the world interested in software testing. This is really for the better quality of IT in our world. Please share this in your IT, coding, testing, agile, DevOps etc. communities. Let's make it a movement! Last month the book has been in beta reading with many testers, teachers, friends, and children. Many an evening I've been editing the comments into the text. Amazin...