Testing, DevOps, Agile, AI trainings

Dragons Out Oy has acquired most of the training business from Knowit Solutions Oy, which covers training courses in software testing, agile software development, DevOps, CI/CD pipeline, and artificial intelligence. We deliver the same competence development you could get earlier from Knowit. Ask more about how we can deliver these courses for you from kari.kakkonen@dragonstout.com

The training offering includes but is not limited to:

  • ISTQB testing courses
    • ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level in English and Finnish
    • ISTQB Foundation Level – Agile Tester in English and Finnish
    • ISTQB Advanced Level Certificate Test Manager
    • ISTQB Advanced Level Certificate Test Analyst
    • ISTQB Advanced Level Certificate Technical Test Analyst
    • ISTQB Specialist Certificate – Acceptance Testing
    • ISTQB Specialist Certificate – Test Automation Engineer
    • ISTQB AI Testing
  • DASA DevOps courses
    • DASA DevOps Fundamentals
    • DASA DevOps Professional Enable&Scale
    • DASA DevOps Professional Specify&Verify
    • DASA DevOps Product Owner
    • DASA Portfolio Management
    • DASA DevOps Leader
  • TMMi testing courses
    • TMMi Professional
    • TMMi Assessor
  • eLearning courses on testing and agile
    • ISTQB Foundation Certificate Study
    • ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst Certificate Study
    • ISTQB Advanced Test Manager Certificate Study
    • ISTQB Advanced Technical Test Analyst Certificate Study
    • ISTQB Advanced Security Tester
    • ASTQB Mobile Testing Certificate
    • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Study 
    • Professional Testing Processes Study
    • Risk Based Testing Study
    • Test Team Leadership Study 
    • iSQI Scrum Master Pro Certification Study
  • CI/CD-pipeline tool courses
    • Ansible
    • CI/CD pipeline
    • Docker
    • Git / Gitlab / Github
    • Jenkins ja DevOps
    • Jira and Confluence
  • Testing tool courses
    • Jmeter
    • Python basics
    • Python basics for Robot Framework users
    • Robot Framework Basics
    • Robot Framework Advanced
    • Robot Framework Extended
  • Robotic Process Automation courses
    • RPA for Technical developers
    • RPA Basics for Business Leaders
  • Agile and DevOps
    • Agile Basics
    • DevOps Basics
    • Scrum Basics 
    • User stories
    • User stories and agile testing
  • General testing courses
    • Ei-toiminnallinen testaus
    • Hyväksymistestauksen keskeiset asiat
    • Integrointitestauksen keskeiset asiat
    • Katselmointien teoria ja käytäntö
    • Ketterän testauksen suunnittelu ja organisointi
    • Kuormitustestaus
    • Käyttötapauksista testitapauksiin
    • Mittarit testauksessa
    • Mobiilitestauksen erikoispiirteet
    • Riskipohjainen testaus
    • Tekninen testaus kehittäjille JavaScript-esimerkein
    • Test tool selection and implementation
    • Testauksen avaintekijät
    • Testauksen keskeiset asiat projektityössä
    • Testauksen perusteet
    • Testauksen suunnittelu ja hallinta
    • Testausorganisaatio ja testauksen järjestäminen
    • Testausprosessin kehittäminen
    • Testausvälineen valinta ja käyttöönotto
    • Testitapaussuunnittelu
    • Tutkiva testaus / Exploratory Testing
    • Virheenhallinta
    • Web-sovellusten testaus
    • Yksikkötestauksen perusteet
  • Artificial Intelligence
    • AI for management
    • Neural Networks
    • Machine Learning
    • Machine Learning in data analytics
Most courses are delivered as is, but we can also tailor courses or combine them into a workshop with customer goals, content, and deliverables.


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