Presentation for Teachers
Adjacent to the Dragons Out book, I have released a Creative Commons licensed PowerPoint presentation for teachers. With this learning material, I hope that every teacher in the world can educate their students about software testing.
Please see the introduction on how the free presentation and the book can work as course material, here, recording in Finnish and in English.
The free PowerPoint in Finnish is here. Currently, version 1.2, updated on May 3, 2021.
- For ease of use, I present this PowerPoint presentation as a recorded YouTube-video here, updated on May 8, 2021. You can either show the recording to students and pause for exercises or watch it to learn to deliver the presentation yourself!
The free PowerPoint in English is here. Currently version 1.0.
- For ease of use, I deliver this PowerPoint presentation as a recorded YouTube-video, here. You can either show the recording to students and pause for exercises or watch it to learn to deliver the presentation yourself!
Get also the exercises here.
There's also a Dragons Out game inspired by the book, created by Michal Pilarski; thank you so much for making this available. The introduction for the game is here, and the game itself in Scratch is here.
The free PowerPoint is also available in many other languages, thanks to all the volunteers translating it. Currently version 1.0:
- Arabic here as ppt and here as pdf. Thank you Mohammad Khlouf and Taha Othman/YouNovel for the translation!
- Chinese here as ppt and here as pdf. Thank you ZHOU Zhenyi, CSTQB for the translation!
- Czech here. Thank you Pavel Šaman for the translation!
- Dutch here. Thank you Tanja Vos for the translation, and Nina de Lille for the review!
- French here. Thank you Olivier Denoo for the translation!
- Georgian here as ppt and here as pdf. Thank you Exactpro for the translation and review!
- German here. Thank you Doris Dötzer, Klaudia Dussa-Zieger, Matthias Rasking for the translation and review!
- Greek here. Thank you Greek Software Testing Board, Dafni Katsoulieri, Eirini Kefala, Elena Chronopoulou, Eleni Karakizi, Kyriaki Vadeska, Harris Stamatis, and Dimitris Metaxakis for the translation!
- Hungarian here. Thank you Adrienn Kolláth & Gáspár Nagy / Spec Solutions for the translation and review!
- Italian here. Thank you Valeria Cocco for the translation, and Agata Bianchi for the review!
- Japanese here as ppt (download to your computer) and here as pdf. Thank you Kenji Onishi for the translation!
- Korean here. Thank you Hyeyoung Kwon for the translation!
- Polish here. Thank you Lucjan Stapp / SJSI for the translation and review!
- Portuguese here. Thank you Teresa Fernandes for the translation and Filipe Nuno Carlos for the review!
- Russian here. Thank you Pavel Sigov / Exactpro for the translation and review!
- Serbian here. Thank you Radmila Petrović, Magdalena Cvetanović and Žaklina Stojnev for the translation and review!
- Spanish here. Thank you Gladys Tapia for the translation and Susana del Campo for the review!
- Spanish LATAM here. Thank you Gladys Tapia for the translation and Javier Chávez for LATAM review!
- Turkish here. Thank you Turkish Testing Board for the translation!
- Vietnamese here. Thank you Trang Nguyen (Shanna) for the translation!
I'm looking for volunteers to translate the Dragon Lesson in Software Testing presentation to all the languages in the world. The free presentation brings software testing close to children in schools throughout the world. Listen to my call for volunteers in this video! Contact me via info (at)
And if you like, you can order the adjacent book from here:
About the license in English

Dragons Out - a dragon lesson of software testing PowerPoint by Kari Kakkonen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
About the license in Finnish

Dragons Out - Ohjelmistotestauksen lohikäärmeoppitunti Powerpoint, jonka tekijä on Kari Kakkonen, on lisensoitu Creative Commons Nimeä-EiKaupallinen-EiMuutoksia 4.0 Kansainvälinen -lisenssillä.
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