English edition of Dragons Out! published tomorrow July 30, 2021!

The time for waiting is almost over! I'm so thrilled to get "Dragons Out! - a book about dragons, knights and software testing" published in English tomorrow, on July 30, 2021. The book is available at https://www.austinmacauley.com/book/dragons-out for purchasing. If you like to utilize a publishing offer of 25% off for softbacks of Dragons Out!, use the code AUTHOR0721. You can also buy the book from Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Waterstones and a great number of other international bookstores!

I've processed orders for those kind people, companies and associations, who supported me early in the book project and preordered the book from me. I can't thank all of you enough! You'll get your books soon.

I've set up social media pages for my Dragons Out Oy company / the book. Please, go ahead and like them, and spread the word:

Obviously, I will be most thankful if any of you will review the book on any book website you happen to use, e.g. https://www.goodreads.com/  You know, it's just clicking the number of stars you like to give to the book.

As the author, I got the first complimentary copy of the book. It feels so good to have it in my hands. You'll get that same feeling soon, too. I can't wait for the deliveries to happen and getting your feedback! See the picture of the book, below.


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