Vote Kari for Tester of the Year with the Dragons Out book credits

 Vote for me to be Tester of the Year 2020 in Finland! Publishing the Dragons Out children's book about testing really contributes to the software testing world! : ) I'm honoured! Vote using this form - just click my name and "lähetä" in the end!  I truly want to contribute not only to the software testing domain but to a better world. I think software testing is the natural route towards that. Better testing, better quality, better software, better business and society, a better world. Or the other way around, fewer defects in the software, less damage to business, lives and environment.

The whole idea of the Dragons Out book is to raise awareness with children (and adults, too!) that looking for good quality is an outstanding objective in anyone's life, be it a user of a software or part of the software development team. Testing is then part of that search for good quality, trying to influence in removing defects (or defeating dragons in the fantasy language...). Maybe we need to set up a society for good quality? Dragon hunters -  people in search of good quality?

Anyway, getting more awareness for my book project through the Tester of the Year award would again help bring more readers to the book and more users for the free Creative Commons licensed testing presentation.

In the next few months, I'll approach all the readers, and especially the schools who received donated Finnish Dragons Out books with a quick survey asking how the book is used, what kind of people have read it, what parts of the book were most interesting etc. If you have an idea of what I should ask my readers, please drop me a line using the contact form of this web site!

Some news. I've been making plans with my Finnish publisher Avain of where my book will be sold, which conferences to attend, which competitions to participate in. The book will be all over the Finnish book scene and you can all influence how big an effect it will have - tell everyone about it, ask Helsingin Sanomat to write a story about it etc. Or drop me an idea of where to promote the book, or where to send a free evaluation copy. And of course, buy books at Avain.

The English edition is in the works, and I've been in contact with my English publisher Austin Macauley. Things are progressing there, although Covid-19 seems to influence everything. We'll have the English book out soon enough though, not to worry. 


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