Book shipping action

Boy, it's been a shipping week. While keeping other wheels running, I've spent the remaining time to ship the Finnish Dragons Out books. I'm quite an expert now in packaging books in multi-shape carton packages, buying postage online from Finnish Postal Service, using tape, dropping packages at Posti's delivery desk. Some closeby, big deliveries I've done myself or will do in the next few days.

There is news from the book on the internet. My dear employer Knowit interviewed me about the book project - you can read the Finnish article in Knowit blog here. My publisher Avain has made a press release. Fantastic - thrilling to finally get the book out and give the readers and teachers the chance to enjoy it!

I'll organize a Publishing Party over Teams on December 16, 2020, at 16-17 in Finnish. I've sent many invitations directly. If you fancy joining the event to hear a bit more about the book, ask me at for the invitation. It'll be great to have you along!

I have a small store of books from the preorder bulk. If you like to order them, and I'll keep donating the schools one book per three sold books 

Next up, reviewing the proofreading of the English version of the Dragons Out book!


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